TCB: How small does it go?
How small does the TCB roll up? Above, you can see the Gal (13") and Guy (15") versions rolled up next to a standard small Kleen Kanteen water bottle.
Not ultra small, but not so big either. Small, ultralight bags that squash into a matchbox do exist for race day and hardcore roadie rides, but the TCB is meant as a hybrid.
From League of American Bicyclists Education Director Preston Tyree:
The TCB is for hard core city riding. Highly visible getting to the City Council meeting with my camera, iPad and keyboard inside and then turns inside out for the presentation to the Council Members so I don’t look any dorkier than usual. I have a blinky on the hook that looks like a reflector but turns on to light up. Wide straps are good when I load it down with camera and iPad.
Preston, we love you stylish and dorky, but we think someone beat you to it!
Here's Ciclismo Classico grand dame Lauren Hefferon wearing it on a commute in Boston:
You know you want one!
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