3-in-1 Reversible Traffic Cone Bag™ Customer Reviews
Write your review in the Comments below. Or, you may prefer to post on the TCB Facebook Fan Page.
Reviews prior to 2010:
September 10, 2009: Lynette,
The bag I won at your generous Weekday Cyclists raffle was so appreciated by Randy, when we recently biked from Lexington MA to (almost) Boston on their wonderful bike trails. She was so pleased with the design, workmanship, and usefulness. - Joseph

Lauren Hefferon, principal of multi-award-winning Friday Friendly bicycle tour company Cicilsmo Classico, says: Ciao Lynette. I have been loving your Galdown Under Napsack...whatever you call it. One of our backpacks was stolen and we needed another one to carry water and extra layers. Now I am using it to carry my laptop. I love the bright color!

April 14, 2009: Danny Chiang is a New York architect, Bike Friday owner and brevet aficionado - he likes the bag in "musette" mode. "It's a New York bag!" he declares. Shot in Chelsea's Senegalese-French cafe, Patisseries des Ambassades
Write your review in the Comments below. Or, you may prefer to post on the TCB Facebook Fan Page.
Reviews prior to 2010:
September 10, 2009: Lynette,
The bag I won at your generous Weekday Cyclists raffle was so appreciated by Randy, when we recently biked from Lexington MA to (almost) Boston on their wonderful bike trails. She was so pleased with the design, workmanship, and usefulness. - Joseph

Lauren Hefferon, principal of multi-award-winning Friday Friendly bicycle tour company Cicilsmo Classico, says: Ciao Lynette. I have been loving your Galdown Under Napsack...whatever you call it. One of our backpacks was stolen and we needed another one to carry water and extra layers. Now I am using it to carry my laptop. I love the bright color!
April 14, 2009: Danny Chiang is a New York architect, Bike Friday owner and brevet aficionado - he likes the bag in "musette" mode. "It's a New York bag!" he declares. Shot in Chelsea's Senegalese-French cafe, Patisseries des Ambassades
Hey Lynette, I love my new TCB; much better than TCBY, I might add, since I'm allergic to dairy products. :)
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I do a lot of bike commuting around Chicago. Have a little pannier that I put my off-the-bike riding clothes in. Now I can stuff my TCB into my pannier and then when I'm all professional looking after getting off the bike, I can use my TCB to carry my smartphone, work papers, billfold, etc. Thanks for a great invention.
Susan Reed
Hi Lynette, I got my TCB and yesterday enough snow melted that I could go for a ride with it. I LOVE it! I had all my bike stuff and wallet in there
ReplyDeleteplus a pair of shoes. I had to go to the bike shop and talk to them about some work I wanted to get done. So I had to bring regular shoes in case they wanted to keep the bike to do the work and I had
to walk home. Even though there was a lot of stuff in that bag It was as if there was no weight on my back.
Anyhow, terrific bag and thanks for doing it!
--Judy Norris
Hi, Lynnette,
ReplyDeleteWanted to tell you that I am really enjoying my TCB, and I did a little thinking about why I like it so much.
1. It's so light that it's not a burden to wear or carry. This is really number one for me.
2. The color, of course. It's my visibility garment for when I want to wear dark clothes. I've been lazy and haven't put the stickers on yet, but I will. Just haven't been doing a lot of night riding lately. And I do appreciate being able to change it to black if I go into a restaurant or something.
3. The pockets being on opposite sides hasn't been a problem once I got used to it. Afer all, if you turn it inside out you basically need to unpack/repack it anyhow, so it's really not an issue. (Put my previous comments on this under the "don't react too much to a single comment" heading.) I do like having a pocket option in each color use.
4. I like the feel of the fabric.
5. It goes on and off my back easily. I was using another backpack that was just a pain to take on and off--actually bruised my arms.
6. It's so light!! I love that!
Respectfully submitted, Jenny (Eugene, OR)
I discovered.... when I really stuffed my TCB that I had a problem. it lay too high on my shoulders impairing my vision when I used my mirror to check traffic. So I used only one of the straps and pulled the other one tight. It gave me slack to the bag rested lower on my back. Not an issue now. I love my TCB.
ReplyDeleteYes, I admit that for simplicity, the bag is designed to be a one-size-fits-most, to eliminate unnecessary fiddly clasps and rings and closures. For people with really broad upper bodies, the straps might seem a bit short - the bag is meat to leave your jersey pockets free. Susan solved it by extending only two of the four straps. This is OK, and remember, the bag is not meant to be overstuffed! It's a simple beacon to carry a few essentials on the bike, and a few city accouterments off the bike.
ReplyDeleteA message from Carol Murry, Hawaii, traveling NGO:
ReplyDeleteHi Gal - am at UNICEF office Honiara - and want to tell you that the bag is wonderful - I want another! I have been carrying a heavy computer, its stand, and notebooks nonstop - da bag is up to anything. The orange flash has saved me from missing the black on the floor of a taxi more than once. The word here is DON'T walk at night - I did last night and decided to turn the TC side out so if mugged can be seen!
I received my TCB just a couple of days ago and love it. It replaced a drawstring bag that had started to fall apart; that won't be a problem with this one.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I noticed after opening the package is the quality of the material. It feels sturdy and the workmanship is excellent. There doesn't appear to be a seam out of place.
I'll probably use it with the orange side out for the most part, but I do love the fact that I can change the configuration easily and quickly.
I gave it a try and discovered that while I could put it on, my six foot plus height and ..ahem.. few extra pounds made it a wee bit tight.
Lynette, however, has already posted the solution on her "uncut" blog:
The quick answer is to use a couple of carbiners. I had a couple of cheap (non-climbing) ones around that happened to green just like my Bike Friday New World Tourist! Perfect. Now the TCB fits me just fine.
I also had a broken blinky around (Mars 3.0). The clip had snapped by the light worked fine. With a little bit of elastic I attached to the little loop provided for just this purpose on my TCB. You can see it here...
With the light on it's a bit more like this:
I haven't been able to get a decent picture of me with the bag on yet, but I'm working on it.
So far I've used it mostly for commuting to and from work and find that it's quite comfortable for short rides (under 5 miles). The straps are much nicer than the strings on my old bag which used to cut into me a little if there was much off anything in the bag at all.
I'll probably give it a try with a longer ride this weekend, Honolulu to Kailua and back.
The feature I'm looking forward to putting to good use on that ride are the dual outside pockets on the orange side which can hold extra water bottles. I drink a lot of water when I ride here in Honolulu, so having some extra with me will make my rides that much more enjoyable (and cut down on those stops to refill bottles).
All in all I'm really pleased with my TCB. Now if only there was one with a Green Gear Green fabric instead of black to completely match my BF NWT. :-)
Aloha! Bob
I just returned from my cycling trip to Ireland and the TCB made my day, or rather days. It was the only bag I needed for the trip. I really appreciated the versatility, especially being used as a purse when off the bike. My husband didn't even mind riding with it if I wanted to take the camera bag.
ReplyDeleteI have had the chance to try TCBs from the initial run of smaller sized bags and the more recent run of larger bags. Common to both bags is the terrifically high level of quality....far better than the sackpacks that you buy in sporting good stores: the material is much sturdier; the straps adjust independently of each other so that there are no issues with unevenly sized straps after cinching the bag; the ability to switch back and forth from sleek black to bright orange is a great feature; and the versatility of the bag configurations gives people multiple options depending on their needs. Other reasons for owning one or two of the TCBs are their visibility in the orange configuration so that drivers on the road can see you when you are on bike or foot, and the fact that they are not only made in the USA, but that they are actually made in the garment district of NYC!!
ReplyDeleteTalk about supporting the local economy.
I had problems with the smaller bag (if I put more than a couple magazines or a netbook into the bag, the straps cut into my shoulders)as I have fairly wide shoulders despite being a fairly standard sized man (5'11"; 160 pounds) so the larger bag has proven to be terrific. First, it allows me the option to carry more than I could in the smaller bag, and second, it's significantly more comfortable for me given my wider shoulders.
With the two different size options, their versatility and the unbelievable quality, the TCBs are a far better option to many other types of bags.
More from the indefatigable Judy Norris ...
ReplyDeleteHi Lynette,
Just to let you know that I took the TCB on my cross country trip this summer and used it nearly everyday. It was perfect for touring because it doesn't weigh much and folds flat.
I put a note about it on my crazyguy journal (scroll down)
I received my first TCB in June, 2009 and wrote up some comments right here. That first TCB became my constant companion, day and night. Here in Hawaii there’s a fair bit of sun and I will note that the orange fabric faded a bit with use, but the bag itself has never shown any other signs of wear. I’ve washed it several times and has always come out looking great.
ReplyDeleteSo why am I not using my original TCB today?
It’s because I am, in the words of the Galfromdownunder, “WIDER than my bag.” This explains why you never see the bag in photos of me. For the record, Lynette isn’t saying I’m wide.
Luckily for all concerned there is a solution; the bigger, “Guyfromdownunder” version. I’d had to use carabiners on my original TCB in order to insure that the straps were long enough to be comfortable. I thought, a bigger bag might be more useful and would free up my green carabiners for other uses.
I ordered a new, larger TCB in November and soon had it in my hands. The quality of workmanship, or perhaps more correctly, workwomanship, was apparent. This bag gives nothing away to the original.
Donning it for the first time I immediately noticed that it fit perfectly; riding exactly where I prefer, not too high on my shoulders or too low down my spine. Naturally, being larger, it can hold more which is a very good thing.
Because I’m a bicycle commuter I like to ride with the orange side out so when I refer to the inside, I’m referring the black side of the bag. That side has a new feature, a snap which can be used to close the inner (read outer if reversed) pocket securely. I like it because I definitely don’t want what I stuff in there regularly to get away from me.
I like to carry my Kindle (in it’s leather cover naturally) or a magazine in the inner pocket. Besides the obvious reason of having something to read with me at all time, it also forms an effective shield against the edges and corners of the items I end up tossing in my bag when I’m out and about for the day. If you are using your TCB in a colder climate your jacket may protect you from feeling such pokes and prods but here in Honolulu a t-shirt is standard gear and having the corner of a box or some such poking you in the back through the fabric of the bag is not a good thing. Does this mean there’s a problem with the TCB? Not at all. It isn’t, when all is said and done, a padded backpack. It’s a simple drawstring bag with a lot of class.
Now that I’ve lived with my new TCB for a month I’m happy to report that I’d be lost without it. Like the original I’ve attached a light for early morning and night riding and feel much safer with it than without it. In fact, even during the day, that bright orange traffic cone shape is, I’m told, quite visible.
It holds most everything I need easy access to while I’m out: glasses case, Kindle, hand sanitizer, P&S camera, and quite often a sandwich and juice. Even with all of that in the bag I barely notice it for the most part.
When I do stuff it to the gills it is noticeable, but it’s still pretty comfortable. The new, wider TCB has larger ¾-inch straps which do a pretty good job of distributing any weight and preventing any bite. Yes, if you put heavy things in the bag you’ll notice, but if you are doing that regularly, you might consider some other bag.
Here’s another thing I’ve noticed about those new, larger straps. I don’t notice them. When I first got this TCB they were a little stiff and seemed to need a bit of straightening out. With use they’ve loosened up and I haven’t really given them much thought recently. As I said, I use my TCB daily and if there were anything annoying about it I’d know.
There still aren’t a lot of pictures of me with the TCB, but I can guarantee, I don’t make this one seem tiny.
Aloha! Bob
This just in from LAB Director Preston Tyree ...
ReplyDeleteLove the bag… I use it when I go to the post office, when I run errands and need to carry a lock all those times when I don’t want to pack my panniers or get my big messenger bag.
I'll have the bag at the summit. I’ll use it to carry papers on the hill in Washington so we can talk with our representatives and make sense. Orange for visibility but black for visiting members of Congress. Too bad I can't carry a simple black dress.
W Preston Tyree
Education Director
League of American Bicyclists
(202) 822-1333
I was excited to get the bag. I ordered the small, and I was first struck by the slightness of the straps; if I were not basking in the warm orange glow I might have less-kindly thought "flimsy." But soon as I put it on I realized that one thing I loved about the bag was how light it was, and wide straps would make the bag too bulky (and too hot in the summer).
ReplyDeleteI bought the bag to do a few things (and that it might do several things well was a big reason I bought it): for short shopping trips on my bike when a pannier is overkill; a tourist day bag, whether traveling by bike, foot, or train; as a picnic bag; and to transfer things from my local bike-parking place (the Bike Cellar in Tempe, AZ) to my office.
The first night I tested what the bag holds. As expected the pockets easily held a half-bottle of wine and a half-liter bottle of water (or if your lunch companion has different tastes in wine, two half-bottles of wine)--and it is useful that the bottle pockets are on the inside when in stealth mode, since drinking wine with lunch in public parks in the US requires, well, stealth. I was surprised that a MacBook Air easily fits into the main compartment, even with a notebook sleeve.
LIving in Phoenix, I won't often wear the bag on my back on the commute except in the depths of winter, since it's too hot here to put anything on my back for a long ride. But I did find a good way to attach the TCB to the outside of my pannier for more daytime visibility, and as an easy-to-get-to exterior pocket.
Alas, it won't help me see better, but it will help me be seen. I am sure I will use it often, and happily.
Lynette, I really appreciated your TCB yesterday. Recently I've been wearing the bag on the black side as a pedestrian (still waiting for my bike), but I tried it out on the orange side yesterday while riding a borrowed bfold Brompton for 55 miles of the NYC Century. As it was getting a bit heavy on the shoulders after a while, I decided to hang it on the handlebars (as you once suggested), which worked very well, especially making the water bottle easily accessible, as the Brompton has no bottle cage. And because it rained during parts of ride, the TCB's water resistance was also successfully tested. So overall I am very pleased. However, I do wish it were a bit shorter in length, for example closing just above the orange pockets. I know it's one-size-fits-most, but it hangs pretty low on shorter people (like us), and more importantly, my own Brompton will have the much lower S handlebars, so I can only hope the bag won't be touching the front fender when I strap it on! Anyway will let you know how it works once I get the bike. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDear Gal,
ReplyDeleteLove the bag. Received it and the cute note (metroWHATual?) a couple of weeks ago and put it to immediate use on my commute.
I realized earlier this summer as I waited at a stoplight, heat index flirting with 100, and sweat puddling on the pavement, that my trusty messenger bag that I've use for the last 12 years or so weighed more than its contents (sorry Pedros). I guess sometimes I'm not a quick study. I experimented with a mesh giveaway drawstring bag (thank you CXC and Salomon), and that was a big improvement. But, that bag had obvious limitations (durability, protection of contents from elements - none, comfort of cord straps)so when I saw the review of the GFDU bag in RBR everything clicked. I had to have it.
I have a long commute (52 mi. round trip, NW side Chicago to Lemont), so comfort is important. This bag fits my needs. Since I have a locker at work I can stash shoes, toiletries, etc., and I'm able to travel light most of the time. The carabiner strap extension tip was appreciated, because the straps were a bit short for me. The traffic cone orange visibility is a huge plus, especially now that the morning commute begins in the pre-dawn. The external pockets are handy for stashing arm and knee warmers, rain jacket, etc.
A great product. A tip of the bike helmet to you.
From Gary Hom, July 2010:
ReplyDeleteJust got back from my 1st trip with my Traffic Cone Bag to Thailand. Added the Snap hooks to give the shoulder straps a touch more length.
In Thailand they have these things called Moto Taxi's that are basically a Motorcycle Taxi. I was glad to have my TCB with the orange side out so I could be seen in traffic.
To be less obtrusive with the Black side out used the big pockets for papers to keep them from being crushed and the bottle pockets are now inside and when you put watter bottles in them they don't sink to the bottom of the bag.
The TCB accompaned me to all the street markets and kept my purchases private and secure.
It's working exactly as I hoped it would.
From Karin Lindholm:
ReplyDeleteLove It! I love the separate pockets so that I know where my wallet, keys, and cell phone are and I do not have to fish around at the bottom of the bag to find them. It is comfortable and lightweight, unlike most backpacks.
Looking forward to the small one to use when I am not toting things back and forth to work and just need my wallet or small items to carry.
Thanks again
From Bob Kenner:
ReplyDeleteFor me, It’s mostly about the weather. I’m only comfortable in a very narrow range of temperatures and jersey pockets just aren’t large enough to carry what I need much of the time. And, I’m not going to put a rack, of any kind, on my 16 pound Pocket Rocket Super Pro, which I travel with exclusively. In Peru last year the temperature went from 85 degrees to freezing during the ascent over the highest paved road in the world - Ticlio pass. It also, hailed and rained at the 16,000 foot altitude.
I would have been dead meat, without the Large TCB. I carried every piece of cycling wear I had with me in that bag and I needed it all. Also, on my long rides in Virginia I pass a bakery (Harvest Bread yum, yum) on my way home. It’s 10 miles from the bakery to my house. I often take the small bag, (I have 4 TCBs 2 large and 2 small) tucked in my jersey pocket, on the ride out and stop for the free slices of bread (to recover, you understand... ) on the way back. I pack a loaf for my family in the TCB. As a bonus, I feel pretty safe on the roads when I’m using the TCB; as you can see the bag for miles. It sure beats hanging a farm equipment triangle from you seat pack.
Bob Kenner
From Dale Steele:
ReplyDeleteWell, I haven't figured out how to post this to Facebook yet without being a member. If that is critical I'll work on it some more. I did manage to post a comment to your TCB webpage just now. Here are my current thoughts on the subject.
Just wanted to say that both TCB sizes are working very well for us and becoming an important part of our rides as well as other travel uses. We've just returned from a week in Portland where they came in handy every day, on and off the bikes. I'm beginning to use mine for my daily bike commute now that the weather is getting drier. Also, as a former long time California Dept. of Transportation (Caltrans) employee I know a good safety cone product when I see one! As I demonstrated today, these TCB bags can be used under the freeway (at our local farmers market) as well as above. Dale, says "don't ride off without yours!". Not sure that my two attached photos have any value for the contest underway but I offer them to show a normal and very functional use in this case when going to market.
Thanks, Dale
From Ed Schlee:
ReplyDeleteDear Lynette,
I really love the bag. I knew I would use it---not for my long commute in hot, sunny Phoenix---but for those under-five-mile errands that I can run on my bike. I've wound up using it much more than I thought, and smiling every time. I'm not the only one smiling: several cashiers really like it. (Alas none of these are cyclists so far, but I do spread the word.) The best designs are those that, after the thinking's done, don't require too much money to make. The TCB is one of those designs. As I mentioned in my review the lightweight straps really make the bag work in a hot climate.
Best regards,