The Traffic Cone Bag Mark II

THANK YOU to everyone who has already requested one of my signature Traffic Cone Bags (ordering details are on that link). I'd hoped the first batch would be ready for slipping down chimneys for Xmas 2008 (black side out of course), but on receiving the first sample I noticed a couple of things that could be improved, and I couldn't resist incorporating them. As many of you know am very particular about form flattering function . Perhaps you can instead order them as "New Year's Resolution to Cycle Safely By Day and Look Drop Dead Stylish by Night" gifts. They should be ready early January now - when it's too cold for many of you to ride anyway unless you're headed for Australia, Hawaii or Texas. I hope to have some available for sale at Arizona Camp in March. I raffled off a prototype at the 5 Borough Bike Club Christmas Party in NY. It was won by an official at Bike New York, Beth Katz. She called me the following morning and said she was off to a meet...